the reality that wilderess is the fantastical reality that reberverates the camel on the back of the nine-horse and is by the far the most advanced psycho-symmatic that has reduced the quantities to the spectral influence that retreates tham accecpts through actions of reaction and force that diminish the factual reprocussion into the franatical establishment...

although the reprecussion of man has diminished into and out of the sacred realm that forsees and sees with the wisdom that dwealt into the franatical beast...

...he flew into the sacred cross and flew by the wayside to intercept the ramblings of a regenerate...

flying and seeking, seeking and flying

although i use my eyes to see, i do not use my mouth to speak

the plain dweller focused the forseen mystic into the wayward spark

action from reaction/a place of wisdom form a lying farmer

as it snows it rains into me from the bedlam of all sides, through a looking glass he is seen from the monsters' eye and frought with infinite saddness took on the task to lead the...

accepting the formalities of wisom thorugh silence the speaker enters a realm of thought where he can successfully reincarnate the words...

...but in the end, SET TRIPPIN!