Submitted by angorasteel on Wed, 04/11/2007 - 10:08amWhat do I need? I need a fucking tourniquet to stop the bleeding - god make the bleeding stop. I thought it was gushing all around me red, but then I realized the blood's got feeling baby, feeling. Not just ruby-red feeling but true-blue feeling and yellow like drops of sunshine feeling and black like painstaking grease drop feeling...drop drop dropping into a hollow well, the well of my empty soul. Give me something to stop the gushing emotion that keeps ahold of me. Won't stop gotta stop can't fucking breathe...wish I had an airbag baby, a big airy one. Wings to fly like an eagle away from these feelings keeping me hostage in this cage of human flesh and bone. Real blood and real bone melt and fall away through the cracks beneath my footsteps as I cry tears of grey and green but girls, I can see through these tears up and above at my god shining down at me and smiling, giving me just another clean fucking feeling day.