One of the primary reasons why people have had such great difficulty placing the mind is because they believe the mind exists in the body or not at all.


We live in a society wherein an individual's wellness and value are determined primarily by how well they fit in, how well they play the part of a functioning part in a machine.


The problem here has to do with the fundamental flaw in any strict dualistic appraisal of things and in faulty definitions.


Like I said, there is no hope in stasis. So it would stand to reason then that hope resides in movement. But not movement for the sake of movement, nor movement as directly opposed to stasis.


Several months ago all of my melancholy began a shift into anger. There is a saying that most people have probably heard by now: 'Depression is anger turned inward.'- Well, that's quite right.


In searching for the Voice of God we have forgotten that it is found Only in Silence.


I have been in a creative period lately. In addition to writing material for the book I have begun writing poetry again. The writing process for me has always been a very trying one.
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