Smoking causes lots of problems, but some people say it makes them feel better. There are plenty of big warnings on the packets now and people aren’t forced to breathe tobacco smoke anymore. The community has recognised that causing chemical harm to others is not okay.
I’m just wondering when the community that places psychiatric treatment orders on unwilling people will get smart. From talking to a wide range of people, I’ve found the population is totally ignorant of the effects of these drugs. Some people who take them don’t even realise that the anti-depressants are what’s causing their heart condition. They are simply prescribed another pill to take, which in turn effects the body in another way that is damaging.
Because nearly all prescriptions have damaging side-effects, people need to give informed consent when taking the chemicals. They need to be well-aware of the potential harm that could be caused to their body and the risk they are taking.
I’m very aware that my body doesn’t like large doses of strange strong chemicals. Even coffee and tea are not okay for me to drink regularly. I cannot tolerate junk food. Dental anaesthetics cause me nose-bleeds. Alcohol makes me feel stupid and gives me a headache the next day, even in small doses. Tobacco makes me swell up and get itchy to the point I feel like I’d like to scratch my eyes out.
There are some people that are so delicate in relation to chemicals that they have to live in a bubble. I’m not that delicate, but I cannot tolerate the effects of psychotropic drugs. Yet the community places an order upon me to take them. Why won’t they listen to me? I’m allergic to something in these drugs. It doesn’t matter what brand, they all cause my body problems. Making me take them when I’ve told them that they effect me badly is about a system of psychiatry that knowingly causes harm.
What if I died from the chemical? That has happened to people who’ve ingested these drugs. I know a friend who was put in a coma by these drugs. The psychiatrist admitted that the drug they’ve got me on commonly causes osteoporosis. Where is this listed as a warning on the packet? It doesn’t say anything possibly causing infertility either, but it ceases mensuration, so go figure. Says nothing about causing depression, but that’s what it does inhibits the dopamine receptor sites that give the body pleasure. Says nothing about muscle stiffness either, but the doctor says that’s also common with this drug. The only warning on the packet is: may cause drowsiness and may increase the effects of alcohol. If effected do not drive a motor vehicle or operate machinery.
A lot of people are allergic to peanuts. What if a trace ingredient in psychotropic drugs was causing an allergic reaction in some people? It would be severe enough to cause death in some people and severe enough to cause discomfort in others. That sort of thing should stop psychiatrists from forcing chemicals that harm into unwilling humans.
If they caused my death, would newspapers actually print something about it? Or would they try to brush it under the carpet and except some sort of hush fund in a brown envelope as ‘advertising fees’.
I propose big colour warning on packets of psychiatric drugs so people know what they are getting into when they take these drugs. And doctors can see their hypocrisy every time they force someone to take this stuff.