Drugs. Legal drugs. Medicines. True, there are some that really do help people(shock), but, most of them also carry with their healing ability a monstrous slew of horrible and frightening side effects that many times are worse than the initial reason for taking any given drug. Therein lies the trick, the Great Deception. There are so few cures, as to be none at all. Which is the way "they" prefer it. "They", in this case being pharmecutical manufacturers, doctors and others in those fields. Medicines ease symptoms, soothe for a time. But, they don't cure. They don't erase the malady they were "designed" for. Cure is a dirty word. A four-letter word to "Them". To cure means to lose money. MASSIVE amounts of money, for many people. Medicines are a drawn out process. Typically life long. Can you hear them counting your cash? Of course, there are just as many people that do not participate or believe in the way things are being done, but, they are virtually powerless to stop it. The change needs to be on a monumental scale. The funny thing is, what I'm saying isn't really a secret at all. I'm sure most have come to the same revelation as I have. It's so blatant and obvious after all. Will it ever change? Will corporations ever put people before their bottom line? Will life ever be considered more important than owning 6 houses, a dozen cars, and anything else their greedy little hearts desire? I can hope so.

It's an issue that affects nearly everyone, but, who's speaking up about it? Who's doing something about it? An endless string of questions, that once asked are neatly tucked away in the pockets of corporate america to be forgotten....