Reality, why does it feel so haphazard? I chip off the paint to reveal her cold steel form that caused my madness. Through open passage-ways in the eternal now...someone stole my Queen-- and handed me a blank face. She was morphed and skeletal. Her eyes beeming with yearn for life--now- they're like now stamped closed. "You hate me reality. Yes you do mortality! Oh yes you do!" the blood on her lips...poisonous. It tastes: absolutely delicious.

Life moves in currents, it's the ripple effect. Tides bring torment. I watch the world engulfed in heat. Sandstorms, earthquakes, and chaotic climates in surround sound on my dvd player.:: I am dreaming...not lost...just...sleeping. The dreams come to me in ripples of liquid color. In streams of vibrant lasor beams and frequencies...I see another realm. One-entirely created by my own consciousness. It rises out of the mists--a city of dream people, dream highways, dream airplanes, dream schools, dream faces, dream lives...all of it...I made it. I got there by sleeping, my imagining. I am free to go and stay as I please.

Welcome to planet earth. I awaken, the sunlight hits my face from the open windows. Another day, another day....sometime sometime....

And I miss that dream that created my world. I'd pinch myself and float away.