This weekend has been a real crisis of the mind. I am currently in my second year of college and was not that excited about coming back (though a little happy to be leaving my parents' home again.) So far I've been doing pretty well. I've gotten two new jobs I like and have been pretty busy socially. Yet this weekend has been really difficult. I am going to a state school and think that maybe I should have pushed myself to get into a more prestigious school. I also feel like my major isn't going to get me a job and although it is my passion I feel really pressured to do something that will get me a "good job." It looks really silly writing it here but I feel a lot of pressure about it. I am thinking about becoming a nutritionist but I have no idea how to really go about it. 

My partner has been really busy working over time and lives about an hour away. I really need his support but he leaves for work when I'm in class and gets home very late which leaves us with little time. I've been trying to just bide my time until his work stops offering over time (they rarely offer it) but it has been over a month. 

Today I cried for over an hour to the point where I was dry heaving on my floor. I have not been this upset in a long time over anything and I feel really shaken up. Through a number of techniques I have been able to feel better and to keep myself together but it feels like everything is falling apart. I have lost a lot of friends lately and feel like the ones I have don't really care that much and wouldn't be able to handle me opening up. I'm just at a loss of what to do. 

I'm going to try to go back on St. John's Wort and make myself a checklist of things to do every day (eat something healthy, write something down I did well, exercise) and see how it helps. I'm also going to take myself off of refined sugar for a while and write a long letter to my partner. I hope it will help.