Submitted by Owl.Medicine. on Fri, 04/15/2011 - 7:30pm{{this is from me: one year ago. wanted to add is to the blog so i can access them more easily together.}}
hello to all.:.
i've not posted in a year.
and herein comes the challenge of spring.
life is so beautiful and dazzling and delightful:
filled, as always, with projects + plans + dreams +schemes.
yet with spring comes this slump
and with the slump, the mental mumps.
and here is icarus: wondrous icarus!
this sailing ship of sharing support..
and i jump aboard again
for my annual voyage
in this desert sea.
just watched the trailer for the first time of "crooked beauty."
oh yeah:
in this space.
this mental place.
it is a gift.
it is our gift.
thanks to all of you for being you.