an'am'ne'sis -2
Submitted by will on Sat, 01/12/2008 - 2:02amPatty Lane
Main Entry: an·am·ne·sis
Pronunciation: an·am·ne·ses
1. Psychology. A recalling to memory; recollection.
2. Medicine. The complete history recalled and recounted by a patient.
Anamnesis utilizes an art form known as “re-texting.” Re-texting is a method or process that allows for the construction of alternate meaning through the “cut-up” of words and images featured in common texts. I chose Sigmund Freud’s “Five Lectures on Psychoanalysis” as a way of addressing my own experiences in the psychiatric community and the establishment itself. On the surface it is my response to Freud’s patriarchal stance on hysteria and psychoanalysis, but underneath it’s a reflection of my subconscious as it was at the time of the project’s creation.