Charlene L. Sleeper
P.O. Box 188
Hardin, MT 59034
Jim Davis, CRGH Manager
520 N. Crawford
Hardin, MT 59034
Tuesday Jan. 19, 2010
Response to written notification of not being able to works assigned shift on Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2010 at 3:00 P.M.
In the Resource Support & Development Inc. Policies and Procedures Manual it states under section 5 Policy# 108 ATTENDENCE dated 2/19/03 under SECTION 1 ATTENDENCE AND PUNCTUALITY under heading 2)
“If the necessity of being absent for any reason can be anticipated, the employee shall inform the supervisor or Area Manager in advance. Such notification should include a reason for the absence and indication of when the employee can be expected to report to work. If the employee is unexpectedly absent due to illness, or other emergency, the supervisor or Area Manager shall be notified as soon as possible, but no later than one hour after scheduled time to begin work…”
Disclosure of Incident Reported
On Wednesday January 6, 2010 I was notified by my mother Nancy Sleeper-Guerrero of her routine bunionectomy surgery scheduled for Tuesday January 12, 2010 at 8:40 A.M. She told me the surgery was only to take three hours with a recovery time of one week. I expected it to be completed by 11:30-12:00 P.M. thus allowing me ample time to be to work by 3:00 P.M. on that day. Unfortunately during the course of the surgery there were some life threatening complications which extended the duration. Also, once they surgery started, it was found that further surgical procedures must be carried out which in turn extended the duration of the overall surgery.
I notified Sub HAB Tech 1 Chantel Luther at approximately 11:00 A.M. of the possibility she may have to cover my shift that evening. Ms. Luther said she would stand by in any event, and to notify her as soon as possible.
My mother Nancy wasn’t released for recovery until 1:30 P.M. It wasn’t until then that I could speak to her surgeon or anithesiologist about her condition and ability to be independent. They notified me that she would need complete dependent care for the next 4-6 weeks. They also notified me that due to the complications during the surgery she was not to be unattended for the remainder of the day.
I then notified Ms. Luther and confirmed that she would indeed have to cover my shift. I then called Mr. Davis at 2:00 P.M. to notify him of the situation, and that I had already covered the shift. He instantly grew agitated and raised his voice at me during my explanation. I managed to stammer that I had already notified Ms. Luther and that she was expecting his call. He then abruptly hung up with no further discussion of the matter.
Disciplinary Action Taken on Behalf of Mr. Davis
On Thursday January 14, 2010 I was given a written warning dated Tuesday January 12, 2010 for my absence due to the above situation.
Response to Written Warning dated Tuesday Jan 12, 2010
In the outcome portion of the notification Mr. Davis states:
“(1)The fact that your mother was or had surgery on this day is not the issue. (2)The surgery was scheduled prior to this date and you and ample time to make a request for the shift off. (3)This is the second time you have called me shortly before your shift with an excuse, both medical, as to why you would be late or needed the shift off. (4)This is not acceptable.”
Response to Outcome
Sentence (1)
The fact that my mother had surgery that day is in fact the issue at hand because it was the cause of my absence. Due to the unforeseen combination of circumstances which called for immediate action on my part as her primary care provider in these instances, it is relevant to the situation.
Sentence (2)
As stated in my explanation I anticipated being done by 11:30-12:00 P.M. thus allowing me ample time to be to work for my scheduled shift. There was no need to request time off for the surgery considering the information I had been given about the routine procedure.
Sentence (3)
The mentioned incident in which I called in before this incident was on Sunday Nov 1, 2009 for my own illness. I notified Darlene Small that I had a fever and was started vomiting while getting ready for work.
Sentence (4)
My reasons for calling in for these two scheduled shifts fall under the RSDI Policy #108 Sec 2. The Nov 1, 2009 incident is classified as an illness. The Jan 12, 2010 is classified as an emergency. Therefore they are legitimate and acceptable excuses. They do not warrant disciplinary action.
Response to Comments
I understand the attendance policy and that I am a probationary employee.
In response to sentence #3
“…Exceptions can be made, but in advance.”
There was no feasible way to foresee the outcome of my mother’s surgery which in turn classifies it as an emergency.
Requested Action:
I am informally requesting that the written warning dated Tuesday Jan 12 be removed from my record because I am in no violation of RSDI Policy. This response shall note that step one of RSDI policy #110 Grievance Procedures dated 3/31/03 has been carried out upon delivery of this response to Mr. Jim Davis, CRGH Manager.
Thank you for your time and consideration.