I have to say I haven't read much so far, but you guys have got me all fired up to do some reading tomorrow.   

I am looking forward to this book because it touches on trauma in a broader context, encompassing men's and women's experiences.  My own experiences are with sexual abuse coupled with some pretty encompassing emotional abuse, so I almost have trouble identifying as a survivor of sexual violence, I just feel I was emotionally victimized to the point that I was so susceptible to violation.  So I guess what I'm trying to say is, I don't, or I try not too, see the gender divide anymore, because I saw my brother, for instance, emotionally degraded and affected by the situation too.  Just seeing it about power, abuse of power.  Which is in society on so many levels.  Hopefully I'll have something more topical to say when I've read a little more.

Sarsha, I saw the one picture you posted on the thread about how to post pictures, but you're right it was really small.  Did you find out how to make it bigger?  The site allowed me to post much bigger pictures on my blog.  Send me a link if you made it bigger, or PM me...I couldn't see it clearly, but I am eager to see it.  If not, maybe I can help you figure it out...

Looking forward to more discussions.
