the leafcutter ants are back. they are carrying off pine needles. the poisoners did not manage to kill them off. well i had cleaned it up and told them how they can be endangered easily. so they claim they will stop poisoning them. they can use soap bubbles if they need to. they like my yard...nice they have use for all those dead pine needles...

i think the heat made me cranky earlier and i did not feel so well.  i had to deal with some mental hell system stuff. it is summer here in too-stoned, arizona (our nickname).

i like night. night is right. moon was out in the morning, there was this moment, it felt all connected, moon and sun and was beautiful.

birds had a party in my backyard and i gave them sunflower seeds. some of the meateaters like the catfood too. well so do the other ants.

i saw a cactus wren, mockingbird, grackle, rosey finch, gila woodpeckers, dove, hmm i can't think what all. i think a dove too. or was that yesterday. it was quite a commotion. the cats are leaving them be pretty much. that grackle gets on their cases otherwise. the stray is gone again. he roams, comes back. i wish someone who could afford the vet would adopt him...


i liked hearing the tribal summit today...there was a lot discussed. it was a very significant event.


there is more in my other blog here...i don't know. there is this members only blog area i feel better writing in often because i feel better ranting over there and such when needed. so i am not sure i will be blogging on the main site a lot.

oh here is a healing picture by my friend mike mccabe, a beatnik from navajo nation. it healed me a lot. art does heal.


and here is a healing prayer i did last night for humanity and the planet

mad love, nancy