Well, I had a New Years Eve experience. Yes, I experienced New Years Eve.
It was "whatever".
I went to a party with lots of people (many of which I new, or new me). All the people I know seem to love my company. That's nice, I suppose.
We played catch-phrase. Apparently I'm really good at that. Well, I didn't really do much guessing, but they always guessed correctly when I described an object (and it never took more than 10 seconds). well, except for the word trout... I blanked on trout... Ha!

Now on to what I want to talk about, since my anxiety seems to be subsiding and
indifference takes its place.

I've got a couple ideas for my art.

One is a concept album. "Rain Songs"
The name could change, but the concept of the album is stuff to listen to while it rains.

When it rains, not just any music will do. I'm picky; it has to make me feel just
right. Beautiful ballads. If I new any string instrumentalists, I'd contact them, but
I don't (since I'm such a recluse).
However, I am about to purchase a MIDI keyboard (a very nice one, at that),
and I am going to work relentlessly to create beautiful ballads that don't sound
like synthesized shit. Because I hate the "synthesized" sound.
I can do it, because I'm not a moron like most crappy musicians who buy 
instruments and sound equipment to create music which has no central concept
or meaningful purpose. 
Even if people don't like my music, at least I know why I'm making it and what
its purpose is.

The second idea for my art is a song which I've "heard".
Ok, well, I haven't actually heard it anywhere aside from my head, but it requires a female operatic vocalist and a beautiful piano part. Maybe some stringed instruments, too. I don't have any of those things or abilities.
And I don't know how to write music notation, so that adds a little to the

(side-note: I'm over at my mother's place right now, I'm enjoying listening to
her very passionate phone-conversation. How I love passion. And I know 
it's a passionate conversation when I hear " and I just wanted to 
scream 'You Mother Fucker!'". 10 beauty points for Mom.)

 The third idea is a concept band for which I've posted a "brainstorm session" in the forums:
 Just an interesting play on words. I've got some ideas of my own for it, but I'm interested to hear what others come up with.
I don't think it's something I'll ever actually get to, but it's fun to think about it.

Well, those are just a few in the long line of concepts and ideas I've lined up in
the back of my imagination.

A few of my other ideas which I didn't come up with in the last 24-48 hours:
Johnny Modest and the Gasbags
Tina and the Corkscrews
The Pipedream Fleshpressers
Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda
The Paper Cups

A story about a man in his mid-to-late thirties, whos true love died when he was in his early twenties. He's married now and has a baby, but his baby dies when he accidently leaves him or her in the car for a long period of time on a fairly warm day (you get the idea). His marriage disintigrates, he finds a friend (much younger girl probably in her 20s) that reminds him of his "true love" and at the end of the movie he shoots himself in the head in the bathtub.

An action movie which contains two interesting characters (these are the only two
I've "formulated" thus far). One is a younger (early-to-mid twenties) good-hearted guy who LOVES to get in fights. He's a fairly small guy, but fights like a
god-damned cat on speed. He's not incredibly bright, but is really very polite and
good with the ladies. The other guy is a bigger guy (mid-20s to mid-30s) who
looks like he could kick ass, but can't. He doesn't fight. He bruises easily. He is 
very (extremely) intelligent and very polite as well. 
I am still building the rest of the ideas, but these are a very pre-production
outline of two potential characters (inspired loosely by Thin Lizzy's "The Boys Are Back In Town").

A series of situations that occur in a car/automobile:
  One situation is a man driving (mostly shot from inside the car) and he puts in
one of those cassette-things that connect to a cd-player (used to play a cd when only a cassette tape player is available). He pushes the cassette-thing into the
tape slot and the music starts. Then the slot spits out the psuedo-tape. He pushes it back in, but it pushes it back out a few seconds later. This continues for 3 minutes. End Scene
  Next Situation is a man driving along some southern countryside (maybe west-Texas or New Mexico). The shot is from inside the car again, but this time the 
focus is not on the man, but the scenery outside the window to his left.
The song "It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas" plays in the background.
  Another Situation is 4 guys riding in a compact car. The focus is on all four of
the guys, and is probably shot mainly from where the rear-view mirror would be
positioned (however shots from the positions of the windows will decorate the 
piece). First, the guy in the passenger seat gets a phone call. He answers and
begins talking very loudly (you know how people in cars talk when on phones...).
Then the guy in the driver's seat (the driver) gets a phone call on his cell. He also
talks fairly loudly. After about 30 seconds, one of the guys in the backseat (driver's side) gets a call on his cell phone. He answers. The focus is on the one
guy who isn't talking on the phone (we'll call him "Jim"). This continues for 2-3 mintues as he sits looking absolutely miserable (but in a very subtle way). Finally all the other's end their conversations and the car is silent again.
20 seconds later a phone rings. Jim pulls a phone from his pocket, scene ends.

Well, there are a few of my ideas.

Much love and indifference,

Note: If anyone takes any of these ideas and uses them without my knowledge 
and consent, I will track you down and remove important appendages.
Seriously, don't steal my thoughts you dirty bastards...

Tell me what you think. :)