I had a brilliant day the other day; I spent hours with someone new,  just talking and laughing and lots of smiles.

I know to some of you that doesn’t sound like it would be that much fun but it was the most fun I have had in a long time. It was an adventure just exploring someone new, finding all the things they are passionate about, sharing some of yours, learning that maybe this whole perception you had on men might just be a bit off.

I like him. But you know what is so cool about that day? I honestly feel if nothing ends up happening between us, or if something does and it doesn’t last forever, or whatever happens, I feel like above all I met this genuine and amazing person. Someone I would like to know for a very long time.

I'm not worried about the future so much these days. I have faith that things will work out for me. I am an incredible person and one of these days people are going to see it more and more.

Don’t get me wrong; I have a lot of internal controversies still. I am bi polar so of course I do. But today I have the sense of mind to work through all of it. Just for today...that gets me through so much.