There is a psychiatrist I used to see in New York City who represents much of what is wrong with the psychicatric establishment. She is vain, arrogant, flighty, and grandiose. But she is the one with the perscription pad and the power.

All of her bipolor patients receive a handout, offering "Non-pharmacologic advice for bipolar spectrum mood disorders"

  1. Sleep The speediest recovery from a depressed, unstable mood is facilitated by regular, uninterrupted sleep. The best sleep patter for bipolar spectrum mood disorders is from 10:00pm to 6:00am This is mood stabalizing. 11pm to 7am is not as good, and definitely not 12:00 to 8am. Even though it is the same number of hours, this sleep patterin is mood de-stabalizing
  2. Psychotherapy Psychoeducational, cognitive behavioural therapy is strongly recomende. This therapy reinforces regular life-style patterns. Pyschoanalytically-oriented psychotherapy is NOT recommended. Experts in the field of bipolar spectrum mood disorder treatment consider this type of therapy mood de-stabalizing.
  3. Exercise Regular, dail excercis, preferably first thing in the morning will boost your endorphis - "the brain's natural anti-depressant"

Perhaps she is afraid that if her patients undergo psychotherapy, they will learn that to interpret her controlling maternal tone as a bad mommy who will punish her patients if they stay up past their bedtime. Or perhaps she simply needs to keep up with her quota of "sleeping pills" (as anti-psychotic, neuroleptics, such as risperidol and abilify are now being euphemistically referred to) whose marketing materials are plastered all over her office. Either way, no therapy here. Move on.