I got this thought the other day, when my attention was directed to the sun.  I have been humming over an idea I was exposed to about the religions nowadays derived from pagan ideas, and astrology which was prominent in greek society was it not???  Astrology, the wonders of the ancient world... how is it they could have possible conceived of such mathmatical phenomena?

Anyways, the suggestion is, and I can see it as feasable, is that "jesus" was a story, not actual event, but a story being as it were passed down from centuries of such tales.  Jesus is the "son of god" and all the ramifications of being such.  Well really it would be a symbol of the actual SUN in the sky, and the path it projects through the stars and rotation of earth and ......... so much, me with short term memory loss can only remember that which grooves with me.  The twelve disciples following the sun were the zodiacs or something, seasons and solstices... all this stuff we have brushed off as whimsey

So I had this thought the other day, while watching the sun and what it was doing through the lens of my camera.  I had this idea that we are the body of god, being that we are a reflection of the sun.  The sun of god.  The sun of god.  the sun that lights this reality, this world.  If it were not for this light, there would only be rock in floating space.  If it were not for the light, there would be no physical bodies of the now.  There would be no DNA, water, just rock.  Do you know that water was formed from the melting of rock and the heat allowing certain atoms to gather into molecules and we call them hydrogen and oxygen.  It is heat and cold that allowed that to come to pass.  This earth is the only planet in our system with known water and that is because due to the distance from the sun it cooled at a rate to accomidate a hard crust over the surface of our molter core.  No other planet has central heating in this system.  This central heating keeps our planet from freezing, and as the surface became crust the planet cooled somewhat and all the gasses that formed an atmosphere cooled and developed molecules, such as water, and then after like a looooong time like 2 million years the rains fell... but not enough that filled the oceans, they figured an asteroid hit 1/3 the size of the earth and the two 'planets' formed the one over another forever, and then settled in the pull of gravity into its oblong form, and the sattelites around the earth formed the moon so in fact the moon is a part of the earth from whence it came.

Where did I learn this...???... I think from my chemistry class.  I can write out the facts if anyone cares to know.

Well anyways, this light and reflected image is from the sun, and I really do not want to open the bible again, but I may to find all the "sun of god" scriptures, and see what they refer to if this is indeed the case.  Everything for a reason.  One other thing, this in which we see is one dimension, like one tenth of the whole.  Or even one one millionth.  It is that in which we do not see... which is our inner journey