
Time: 9:26 pm
Current mood: Positive
Recent Problems: N/A
Noticable benefits: Not experiencing side effects

I am in a positive mood because I just heard that I'm getting my car back for no reason.  As long as I don't drop out my insurance will be paid by my parents.  This is overly nice of them and I feel like I'm in the position of one of those brat's whose parents do everything for them (at 20 years old) but I'm not going to let that stop me from accepting the car.

I spent 3-5 hours playing half life and my mind's been to busy I think to be worried about emotions.

Journal Entry: Thursday, August 23, 2007 

Time: 1:44 AM

Current Mood: zonked
Recent problems: being zonked, greater urge to do drugs, inability to control hunger
Noticable benefits: mood is stabilized

Feeling alright most of the time.  I really need new contacts, my vision is a blur due to loss of contacts.  Thinking more abstractly, I have the ability to concentrate (not that I'm doing anything productive with that ability).  Visual hallucinations are ever present, especially when tired.  Ability to 'hallucinate at will' has returned (conciousness focusing entirely on imagination is one way to put it).  Still paranoid in public.