If you can’t charge a person with a crime,

What right does the community have

To make them do time?

I’ve done time for suicide,

Time for travel fatigue,

Time for being bullied,

Time for grieving too.

When will people get it.

When will they see.

It’s not okay to drug me

And lock me away without a plea.

What’s my crime?

Charge me with an offence.

Don’t say that’s irrelevant

Because that’s not making sense.

You want to say I’m uninformed

Because I get lost in imagination?

Well just guide me out of it

Don’t give me chemical laceration.

What about when I do make sense

Am I still mentally ill then?

Or is the victim of abuse

Forever condemned?

People get over things,

They jump those hurdles and create.

They don’t just watch ugly porn

And masturbate,

Unless they’re like that see.

Because everyone is an individual

And behaves completely differently.

Some of us fight physically,

Some of us write,

Some of us play music

And some of us visualise,

Others got out

And get drunk at night.

Others stay at home

And eat more than a bite.

Perception is a focus

And in society

It becomes a prism

A faceted myriad

That give a spectrum to humanity.

Forget about one side

And forget the whole thing,

For the prism is transparent

And if you want

You can see everything.

So listen here you bastards,

Don’t make me cry in pain,

Put our prism into prison

And force those drugs again

So my prism becomes all smashed

And won’t create

The rainbows which are innate.