well my friend added onto this song if you want to hear it and he made it really nice:


there are other ones on there...one of them was number 11 in indie on there. well some friends listened. this new one tho. well my friend did a great job on it and i am touched and i am touched i could do that poem too as a song.

then my other friend made a video for one of the songs. i made one too but hers is really sweet here:

once in the forest: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbTYfDtq8LY

then here is the weird one i made for aquamarine condition:


i am really weak. i was trying to do some stumbleupon but i am weak now. i have had pain for  days all over the body and weakness...

i have respites in the day i get into another place or space and time slows down or i slow my time down to enjoy those better moments...i may just got to sleep a while.i am sort of useless right now...i want to always be aware how sacred life is...i want to acknowledge this blessing...when i feel like crap, it still is that way, a blessing...and when i can't feel the blessing, i can know it is there until i can feel it again.

my cat stepped onto buddha's lap tonight, the stone buddha and kissed him on the head. it was the sweetest thing. i wish i had a photo. the leafcutter ants are working hard tonight under the full moon. i almost sat in them by the tree but figured it out real quickly. they are my friends.