my old dress

they stole my dress at the hospital
the magic one from the thrift store
the kind of dress
you know someone hardly wore before
blue silk, in the wind
it felt good, free

they made me take off my clothes there
felt like an exchange of identity
and somehow my breast was hanging out
of the hospital gown
right there in ER central
they took my turquoise
that was absorbing my karma

i was crazy
but they were freakazoids
from some who-knows-where-the-fuck
whatever planet
looking at me
like a specimen

and i escaped somehow
at first, the lock-me-up-plan
i went invisible
truly. i have proof

there was a path
right through the medical staff
time slowed down
yeah like a cartoon
it just happens sometimes,
may be psychological
but no one saw me
walk on through

i was with a friend
and we ran through the parking lot
i was in that crappy hospital gown
with my friends' jacket

tucson was rearranged then
in invisible land
in i'm-a-ghost-land

for a month maybe
they stayed away from me
while i traveled
way the hell outside
our galaxy

and now all i want is that dress
the blue silk dress
the way it felt
in the wind one day