I am active in avocacy at work. I volunteered to speak as a disAbled worker at our offices celebration of the International Day for persons with disAbilties on December 3rd. So there I was sitting next to post partum  lady(I do respect this person but I am joking here), my friend the deaf culture advocate and  a senior employee who is younger than me and loves her guide dog. My human resource department wanted to make sure I was not really outted and then labeled a psycho at work so I managed behind the label of invisible disAbiltiies and sort of talked like I had depression wheras if you look at me on a relaxed day and see my torn clothes and casual dress you realise I am really an excited person who behaves like some one with schizophrenia. They gave me one of those speaker's gift bags after our little talk and I got a cool mongramed fleece sweater  as my workplace badge of honour. But wages are low and I still get government disAbility support. Workplace organising the thing to do.