As 2006 comes to a climactic close (whatever), I'm left thinking a handful of things.

One: What the hell did I do all year?
I don't remember... I guess that's good, because somewhere around 90% or 
more of my memories are essentially embarrassing moments, or situations 
where I'm in vivacious emotional exasperation.

Two: What were my new year's resolutions for last year?
uh... to exercise more? I have exercised... I'm not in bad shape... so, C+ ?

Three: What are my resolutions for 2007? 
I've thought about this very little. But I think my new years resolution is to drink more whiskey and scotch. I drink so rarely, and liquor even rarer, but I enjoy whiskey, rum, and scotch.
So, yes, my New Years' resolution for 2007 is to drink more whiskey, rum, and scotch.

God only knows I've been far too sober for a 21 year old, no matter how 
beautifully introspective I may be.

This may be aiming high, because I hate spending my money on items that you 
consume shortly after purchase.
Countless meals have I starved myself from in order to obtain particular "soul-food".
(hint: think shakespear here)

(one more chance, 10 cool points if you can identify what "soul-food" is)
(10 more points if you can identify the origin of that assessment)

(too many parenthesis?)

Twelfth Night
"If music be the food of love, play on;
Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting,
The appetite may sicken, and so die."


Switching topics now.

You know what I can't stand?
Talking on the phone.
I despise talking on the phone.

This does not please my girlfriend, who works 6 days a week and only
communicates with me via this pleasently annoying device for the majority of
those 6 days.

I suppose it comes from some type of fear that I may mess up socially.
I was always paranoid that when I called people with whom I had little prior phone-talk relationship, I would interrupt them during some important
exercise or activity such as "family dinner" (which I haven't had since I was 14, and even then, was rare) and then promptly be cursed and/or scorned for calling, as if I were some sort of evil-telemarketer type.

I absolutely dread making phone calls to new people (i.e.-strangers), 
and I often sit, staring at the phone for minutes (used to be hours)
screaming silently in my head about how I need to call, but now I'm just waiting
too long, and they'll be in the middle of something important as soon as I'm 
done waiting.

It doesn't even make any sense anymore. I hate calling tech-support for the same reason (inherently), even though it's obvious that they are
not going to be doing something like a family dinner. Hell, they're paid to take
my call... *sigh*... what's wrong with me?

My girlfriend seems to think this little communicative-based, visual-perception encumbering, radio box-from-hell (whatever) is a marvelous invention
for keeping two people within the same relationally-expressive 
bubble when they would otherwise be mandatorally resorting to in-person 

I, on the other hand, hate the phone, and prefer talking to your face.

I've been getting snappy at my girlfriend recently. I get slightly apathetic towards
situational stresses that arise in her life (she's a waitress) when we converse via
the audio-hell-box. 

And she does that thing where we sit in silence on the phone for 4 minutes
and then I attempt to end the connection politely by saying, "well, I'll talk to 
you later", only to be audibly tortured with the God-awful sound of
Which means, " I miss you, and it's not fair that we haven't been able to hang out! So don't hang up yet!"

But translates to something like, "Even though you may have things you want to do, I don't, so we must suffer together."

God I hate the phone...

