Have you ever experienced something that didn't immediately piss you off, but the more you thought about it, the more pissed off you became?  That's me today.
Here's what happened: (the condensed version)
At work, in a meeting, all attendees are people I am comfortable with/have worked with for years.  1 woman in meeting is particularly sensitive, we've been colleagues and friends for 2+ years.  She made a comment about her Evangelical Christian family, and how they hate her because she's queer.  I made a joke about her family that was slightly offensive, but anyone that knows me knows I'm offensive and never serious about anything.  She was visibly upset, I pulled her aside immediately after the meeting and apologized.  She was ridiculous about the whole thing.

So I'm pissed for 2 reasons: 1.  I should've never opened my stupid mouth. 2. She needs to lighten the fuck up.  Don't defend your crazy Evangelical family to me - I'm queer too.  I don't really give a fuck about people who think I'm going to hell because I sleep with women.  And I certainly don't give a shit if I say something offensive about their fucked up sense of faith.

Ugh.  The good news is I came home, and instead of eating away my anger like I often do, I went for a run.  I'm making good progress on my loop!  Each day I go out, I set a goal that's a bit further, and for 3 days straight I have reached that goal.  I'm really pumped about it!    I may have to take a day or 2 off this weekend...my best friend is visiting and we have a busy weekend planned, but I'm hoping to squeeze a couple of runs in. 
I'm going to watch "An American in Paris" now.  My grandma sent it to me :)