Our Forgotten Dignity


If you were raised like me, the world has somehow turned out a very different place than you were led to believe. Maybe stranger than you can believe-  bet on it Pal.   I'm continually stupefied at what us humans are figuring out, stumbling across or just generally tripping on or over.  What an incredible gift to be alive in this time, despite  or because of the high and desperate stakes we all face.  But aint nobody gettin' out alive anyway-  Nerd-Think notwithstanding- might as well relax. 

Here are a few trends in understanding the world these days.  I'll try to link to something so you don't think I'm just whistling Dixie. Although in addition to presenting these paradigm shattering theories, I am indeed whistling Dixie, or some similar air.    Must be the seroquel- I haven't felt this mellow in oh, I don't know- 47 years or so.

Here we go.  Unhitch your safety collar. Take your protein-pill and lit's time to leave the capsule, if you dare:

We are fundamentally alone in the universe, life is an incredibly rare chance event, and if there are other beings, the vast reaches of space preclude interaction with said beings.

Maybe not so much.  Francis Crick,  the guy who discovered DNA (while tripping on acid no less!!!),  reached the conclusion that DNA could not have developed on Earth.  Not enough time. Now it appears that what has been called 'junk', or non-coding, some are now saying that so called junk DNA is actually extraterrestrial DNA.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.  Plus, the view of modern physics is making it clear that advanced beings can probably fold, bend, and otherwise fuck with the space time continuum as to appear magical to us- as all technology above our heads will dazzle us and seem, unreal.  Impossible.  This theory fits the facts- human beings have long witnessed beings who possess this ability.  (BTW, the O'Hare UFO story is wild- The Chicago Tribune article has had more hits than any other Tribune story in history.  This is the Tribune, folks.   Plus, here's a great vid showing how establishment science is beginning to cede that this is is real- watch this guy-  they argue with the 'little green men' conclusion, which is fine.  Nobody knows what these' things' are.   One more great vid here with some preening but cool news guy and the Tribune reporter who broke it, chatting before an interview on camera- then doing the interview itself.

(sorry to be redundant, regular readers- but this story is too good.)

Human civilization is a recent thing.

Not so fast.  The evidence here seems to point to some kind of very advanced culture on earth, destroyed by a world wide cataclysm somewhere around 10,000 years ago.  For one thing, most cultures around the world speak of this in legend and myth.  The Great Pyramid of Giza is a living testament to this culture- an unbelievable feat that arguably could not be done today.  Clearly, advanced mathematical, astronomical and technical skills were there, in spades- and dig this, the Great Pyramid was an early Egyptian structure. 

Went downhill from there- now, how can a culture start at the top? Like cars started in 1908 with the Lexus hybrid sport utility,  and now we have model Ts. 

Doesn't make sense.  Must have been something before, something big.  Here's the website of Dr. Robert Schoch and Dr. Collette Dowell.  He's a Boston University professor who's been at the forefront of solid, open minded research. And here's Graham Hancock's as well.  Good stuff for the curious.

Life ends with physical death.  You only live once. 

Yes, there is good evidence for reincarnation.  Not proof exactly, but very solid anecdotal evidence- tons of it.  I give you Dr. Ian Stevenson of the University of Virginia.

Plus, it's the only way the universe makes much sense- why were you born in a good family while another child is born to a child abuser?  It's either random, a chance universe, or there is a deeper logic. Reincarnation makes great sense to this end. Take your pick. 

The Hopi are a bunch of dumb-fuck Indians living on a rock.

Not true- the Hopi are a buch of dumb-fuck Indians living on a mesa, not a 'rock'. And actually, they're not so dumb. they consider themselves pipe-holders, peace holders, of the human race.  Here's their record on prophesy.  They're just human, but I feel the Hopi are the holders of a vital wisdom for the world's needs today. Like the Tibetans, half a world away.

Black Elk's Great  Vision can be read here- as pertinent today as it was 150 years ago.

Okee doke.  Hope y'all are doin' alright out there"¦"¦"¦"¦"¦..another recent moto above, just another moment in the midst of time and space.

Also, if you like people who happen to be extremely gay, watch this.

If you're digging the whole Secret Commonwealth angle, here's a cool vid- mostly, if not all, fake, but a great slide show.