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You must comply

Or we’ll stick our nanoprobes in you

Wonder what Startrek

Was talking about and who

When they wrote the Borg.

They want a hive mind

With a leader in control

In square space-ships

When humanity wants to be free

To think and create

To experience visions and explore

In their holograph machine

To get wrapped up

In whacko plots

And think about the unknown.


You must comply with the treatment

You must take the medication

We must weigh up the balances

And assess things for you

You do not have any rights

To complain about our treatments

Complain to the head of psychiatry

See what they’ll do.

Ha ha ha, we laugh at you.

Your hearing is about testing

How compliant you will be

If we stop using the law

To force you to be

A subject in our system

A person under our order

A person without a say

That can be shut-up so quickly

And dismissed

Because we know exactly

How to play

The government and the law

Like the military do

Your mental health is at risk

And if anyone speaks up for you

We’ll sue.


I once had a boyfriend

Who liked to do drugs.

I refused his pushy orders

I said I didn’t want to.

But eventually he got me.

And I learnt what it is

For a person to coerce

And for a person to control

And physically push around

So you feel

That you’re nothing more.

I did attempt a suicide

And that’s when they came in

And coerced me to take their drugs

Then when I refused

They used control,

Physical control

That beat me up inside.

Made me so sick

I let the boyfriend

Continue fucking me

With his ugly dick.


I’ve had enough of coercion

I had enough of their control

I may have chose that boyfriend,

And played his ugly mol.

But he at least did things

That were nice

Like dance and cook dinner

With green-curry spice.

Psychiatrist think dancing and singing

Is an immature thing

To be diagnosed and treated

By chemicals that make me sick.

When is the community

Going to give them the fucking flick.