So, I have dated this girl three times and I do like her.  I was working up to the point of telling her what I am, but unfortunately it had come out in a way which I did not choose.  I believe at a certain point full disclosure is a necessary evil.  Already though, I have been stigmatized by this girl.  I do and I don't want to tell her to F*** off.  I look at things this way.....I am a person before I am an illness.  There is inherent good in everyone, but I think she does not seek to find it in me.  That's it girl take the f***** easy way out.  There is no easy way out for me, why should there be for you?  She doesn't even know me well enough yet to realize that I am a F****** strong person, and yet she just assumes that I am an outlier in the human race because of illness.  I am curious, and am begging for responses...someone please answer....How do you handle personal relationships?  Do you fully disclose?  I find myself screwed in the relationship front because I go at things wholeheartedly but wear my heart on my sleeve.  Can't win for losing.....