All content on the site has keywords or tags that go along with it. If you are looking for a specific section, use the graphic menu at the top of each page.

You can select multiple words by holding down the "Ctrl" key for windows or "Command" key for Mac while left-clicking, and the words will highlight.

Use the 'Scope' menu if you want to narrow your search to specific content, such as blogs.

Also, use the 'Scope' menu and select "any" if you want to search for any of your selected keywords. Otherwise the default is "all" and it will show you only items that contain all the keywords you choose.

Select one of the 'Tags' for keywords added by users.

Not selecting any type is the same as selecting all types.
Include Children
If you select a term with children (sub-terms), do you want those child terms automatically included in the search? This requires that "Items containing" be "any."