Spring is here. At least I think so. At least today. And although it probably has nothing to do with the weather, I do feel very nice today. The patches of dry ground, luminous between the drifts of dirty snow.

I am back in front of my computer, where I sit almost everyday. Sometimes it feels like I enter the same realm of energy as my computer, and the computer's content becomes its being... sometimes it's friendly, but sometimes it's too energetic for me. It's something about all the possible information. You just click on this little icon, and suddenly you enter a landscape of never-ending information. And it's all inside of my computer... so sometimes it can be a bit too frantic for me. But still I sit here, and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, because somehow my spirit guide has found her way into the computer's world, and this is where I communicate freely with her. She shares it's energy. This is not to say that my computer is speaking to me, I am not in that kind of mood. No, this is where I document everything that she says to me during the days, so she sort of borrows some of the computer's capacity for output. Maybe this is why I sometimes feel so "connected" to the energy of my computer...

Anyway, it's nice. I like my days, nowadays. This week is good. I have my seat belt on in case it starts rocking, which it might tomorrow... or this afternoon. You never know. But I feel good now, right now...