Scientists tell us that when the BIG BANG occurred signaling the birth of our universe, all of the energy the universe would ever contain existed at that moment.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can be converted from one form to another.

When I was going through the experience of dealing with a traumatic event that occurred when I was 7 years old, I realized I described my fear and anger at that  moment as a "monster" inside of me. As an adult, reliving the event, the monster became an assertive character. As my understanding of the situation evolved, so did the assertive character. It took control in a loving way and I was able to visualize a new scenario of the event, the assertive me killed the aggressive part of my nemesis... but it did not die. 

That character I identified as my assertive self, loving but not controlling, hateful or fearful. I assimilated it into me. I took something that was destructive to me (the monster) and changed its energy to the more positive, loving and assertive character. The negative energy was transformed into positive energy and I lost none of my energy that has been constant inside of me since birth. The same laws of energy that exist in the universe exist in me as well. It is a part of me so I embraced the transformation of my negative energy to positive energy.

- My Wife