I stumble on the words when I try to put it down because I can't. It's a ripple, when the page curves and suddenly objects float about the room as if in a space without air. Of course we are not living in a vaccuum, so what is it? What is the real secret behind the way these things unfold? I am going to know someday, I promise. I wish I did now....all I know is what I've recorded in this book of mine.

Staring intently there is a noticable blur....but not always to others. In fact milleniums have gone by before anyone could simply see well enough to see through it. What are we? Shuffling through our little boxes one by one, we've been numbered...we've been coded...we've been trapped here. We've been driven here. We've been changed here. We are earth. We are humans. We are alive.

What makes one rise and another fall? What makes someone strong and another weak? Who are they? Who are we? Deep down, everyone knows there must be a secret. But we're too afraid to ask. Probably for a good reason- we might find the truth, we might be set free. Or we might be dragged down into an eternal prison for treason to the king of hell.

Why did we forget? what did we do to fall into this trap? Was there another place before here? Is this it? What once was...that is no more...will it die a miserable death and collapse...forever? Is this all we've been fighting for? Why not just bring it to life? I want to live...a life of freedom of sanity...not of fear...not of empty promises. I want to know love....and here...love is dying...so what is the secret? Why are you asking me? All I know is that if you look close enough that the shapes will distort, and the rest will melt away.

Once upon a time...
There was a light that shined
And the light was an angel
And the world was free
And the world made circles
Around the land that we see
And the people never died
And the people never cried
For everyone knew deep down
The sound of being me
The sound of sounding happy
The things they wanted to see

And somewhere---there was....a reason to believe.

I should not, though sometimes I do and then it gets me in trouble. I should not wrap my mind around such fantasies. I should not believe in them. They are not real. The eyes are cold, no blank, no alive. They see—not. They see, yes they see you. You are not here right now.

I don’t want them to be here, they are the ones that take away from. The nay-sayers, the takers, the haters of my kind. We are, well, you and I and all of the rest—we are the pictures in frame. What is out there beyond the frame? Stuck, slapped onto a page…each one of us caught up in the daily trials and tribulations, completely unaware of the others…who are among us. They are not breathing, simply, exhaling…...us.

Don’t be afraid. There’s nothing to fear. When you hear me on the static airways or through the wires, don’t remember or forget me. I don’t really matter to them. What about you? I’m sure you have some awareness of the other kind. Or the other….places. What keeps me tied to the ground, what locks you down so you cannot rise? I do not know…but it is surely madness.

Inhale, exhale. What are you laughing about? What are you afraid of? What is making you tick? I’m sure I know what it is--it’s the breath of air that you so cherish…you people of the earth. But me, I was born on a different planet, the one behind the eyes. The one that you don’t see. The one that hides in the darkness. The one that’s afraid of the light sometimes…it’s there. It did…the host that took me in….and now…my body is an empty what’s it…just kidding. I’m real…I think. I just don’t always see the same thing, and sadly-that means insanity.

I was once also a picture in the frame. What happened- yes- well they mistakenly thought I broke through and made certain I never would. And I should. Someday I will….and this will all slide away. I wonder if you know what it’s like to slide, to trip, to stumble? Are you a picture? Are you a character? Or a frame of mind….? Well, you decide.

In here I must confess the secret of why I am partly mad. The truth being, if someone found this out I could be in trouble--under some sort of assault....you know how it works...when they get their forces to drive you away. I've experienced it before--I think, though they are known for their talent in mystery. So no matter, without the truth there will never be an answer to the questions floating through humanity's hungry head.