Fall Collective Call 9/23/09

Eric, Angel, WIll, Annie, Molly (scribe), all facilitate!

Check In/Updates

warsaw, amsterdam conference cool, connections, possibilities, mexico, mid-oct home!
migrainelandia, out of loop, back at it, autumn equinox, change.
scattered, intense, traumatic weekend, sleep, process.
squash, squash, squash, no smoking, metabolize change, poor sleep.
hunting for home, first gallitin campus meet up, peer counseling training, support tip work.


Update how we see our roles shifting for clarity/accountability.
Support Network, Edu/Outreach, Admin/Distro, Web working groups all in flux.
Support Network + Admin/Distro positions being eliminated/fold into other groups. 

Annie's proposal for Edu/Distro and Outreach/Admin is good model for what the rest of us should write up.  Frustration there was not feedback on that proposal.  Feeling good about direction and having clarity. 

Support Network needs support!  Work on flight plan, policies, delegate responsibilities.

Web role need for coding support/contracting, shift energy towards online fundraising, take role in database, membership development overlaps w/big picture.

Caution to not build roles around individual skill sets. 

Read community call notes about media/messaging, involving more people, flow between local groups, collective body, web community. 

Next steps/check out:

Will-write up media/publication role/responsibilities.
Available by phone/email 6 hours ahead.

Molly-look at role of support network/identify what can be delegated/folded into other groups.  write proposal for kiran consulting, circulate via email to collective, send to kiran.

Annie-find focus. meet w/angel and mimi.  exit interview/role priorities/how to split w/angel.  pass on campus info. 

Eric-write up web role stuff/happy to step up places.  thinking about capacity to offer web space/external facing to local groups.  get a move on fundraising, resend info on forum fundraising/piece to implement.  goal to raise stipend through web.  will send proposal for fundraising this week.  check in w/mimi about bank account, database, etc.  annie will be back up for this info. 

for one and all!