Present & Checking In:  Angel, Jacks (facilitator), Eric, Molly (scribe)


Report Back + Exciting Updates! 

Distro + Proposals

Salsa + Web Redesign Work Party

Financials + Thanks + Reports

Next meetings + Follow up items


Exciting Updates:

Alternatives Conference-Will’s workshops went well, people who attended were really into it.  Folks rallied to make sure it happened.

Bob’s keynote was amazing.  As a result he’s been invited by hospitals/research teams to speak, potentially influence real change in the world.  Bay Area Icarus had lunch with him before local speaking event that raised $750, well attended (100+) and 60+ signed up on mailing list.  Speakers series in Bay continues w/Hearing Voices Network (Nov), Crazy Like Us (Dec).  Crooked Beauty Screening next week.

Pushing forward w/Scarsongs.  Finally got back to folks/over 250 submissions.  Jacks needs funding/time/$ to dedicate.  Overall budget still unclear but includes labor + tour.  Currently researching grant/minimum 10k. 

Concerns about Bay Area organizers burnout.  Currently a lot of passion/momentum.  Concerns about Bay Area taking on Icarus overall by default of active presence and involvement. 


Disto w/Proposals:

Currently no lead for office presence in NYC.

Proposal-Send all current inventory to Bay Area Icarus to distro.

Bay Area Icarus needs to figure out timing.  Currently doing fundraising for distro and talking about it. 

Proposal-Outsourcing things like distro, add links to site.

Proposal-Print on demand for individual orders.  Distro wholesale.

Send stock to established local groups for tabling, etc. (consider as consignment). 

Proposal-Hybrid Strategy:  Bay commit to wholesale for monthly mailing.  Individuals print on demand.  Give local groups back stock.  Need to identify local groups to distro to. 


Angel needs to pass distro on.  Is able to revisit this conversation mid-end of November.  Will send list of what inventory is in office via email, including things beyond publications, art, equipment, etc.  Need to decide if we are to keep NYC office/address.  Need responsible party to maintain access. 


Need to consider stop gaps vs. long term strategy and not lose site of overall structure, legal org, decisions, etc.


Super excited about project based fundraising and working groups, but still need to deal with overall organizational structure. 



Eric sent thoughts via email.  Currently it is revenue neutral/paying for itself.  Salsa is our payment processor.


Proposal:  Revisit continued use of Salsa after web work party and end of year appeal (1/11).


Web redesign in person work party marathon in NYC (Eric, Nick, Jonah, and friends).    



Need a clear sense of responsibilities to delegate.

FJC remains picky about $ raised not funneled into FJC.

What are our requirements w/FJC?  2 reports a year (when?), paperwork/drawdown.  Signatories do not need to be local NY.  Currently Annie, Will, Angel and Sascha (?) are signatories. 

Who do we need to add/remove? 

Currently no bookkeeper.  What systems are in place?  Mimi worked on this.  Salsa breaks down donations.

We need to figure out who will be handling Thank You notes to donors on ongoing basis and who will handle annual reports to FJC.


Fall Blog Post

Still need someone to volunteer to compile.  Include big promo of Nov. Art Show.  Bay Area can write update of what’s been going on (by?) to include. 


Next Call:

Scheduled for Wed. 10/20 4pm (est) 1pm (pacific)


Advisory Council/Organizational Structure

Distro/Office (w/material asset inventory)

Website stuff re: redesign

Financials *need update on current balance