I'm so glad my friend gave me a zine with this email on it! I'm very excited and want to start a group in my city. I'm so glad there are alternative means of helping one another. I've been through psychologist after psychologist and none of them seem to help. I had gotten to where I was going to just give up on my mental health when he gave me the zine. I love the way it's not referred to as an illness, rather, a gift. I've been struggling with depression panic attacks and anxiety since I was about 11 or 12. have been on and off prescription meds since then. I would take myself off, get bad and go back on them. I'm back on them because I went way down a few months ago. But my sister has told me about the natural remedies and I have begun taking vitamin B complex and fish oil. I'm hoping to go off the meds soon and begin my med free journey. I'm still a little scared to do so since last time was so bad, but with the help of others, I think I can do it. Thanks so much for providing this outlet. Today was a good day for me because I found this.