and then i woke up. and wondered: what happened?

and then i woke up.  so now what?

(and then, various ramblings about events since waking up, and asking: what now)

Thomas Szasz and Right-wing labeling

Character assasination of Szasz and a knee-jerk reaction by Liberals to silence all discussion get a airing out in this post!

indigenous wisdom teaches about indepth dis-ease

Time to unsettle ourselves from the enforced soma consumption of our owners! And what better way than to hear it from the very people who were never allowed to fully be a part of the dis-eased free-dumb forced on them (and everyone, if you think about it!) from the get-go? A real inspiration, those voices which have not comprimized despite experiencing all manner of reflective reality from those who believe no better is possible.

Bay Area Icarus Hosts Community Discussion: An Integrative Approach to Madness

"If madness isn’t what biopsychiatry says it is, what is it? If we don’t agree with what biopsychiatry says, then we probably don’t agree with the treatment practices. For us to have some kind of intelligible answer to a first-year psychiatry intern who can tell you: it’s a brain disorder and every minute that it’s not being medicated, there’s irreparable damage being done.  The people who fund the research are the big phama companies that psychiatry represents.  A psychiatrist now can see 30-40 clients a day. Psychiatry says: this group of Icarus folks can sing Kumbaya all you want, but we own it.  I don’t believe that."

Light therapy?

In response to asking people to suggest ways to get regular sleep on the Facebook group for TIP, these were some good points made. This is more for me to be able to look at later if need be for the suggestions. I'm not sure about the whole light therapy thing, though. Have to think about it some more.

never sleeping, never rested, always waiting, always tired

I need help sleeping, so what do you do to help you sleep well?

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