Welcome to Icarus

The Icarus Project is creating a new culture and language that resonates with our actual experiences of madness and “mental illness” rather than trying to fit our lives into a conventional framework.

We are a website community, support network of local and campus groups, and media project created by and for people living with dangerous gifts that are commonly diagnosed and labeled as "mental illnesses." We believe that when we learn to take care of ourselves, the intertwined threads of madness and creativity can be tools of inspiration and hope in a repressed and damaged world. Our goal is to help people like ourselves feel less alienated, and to allow us—both as individuals and as a community—to tap into the true potential that lies between brilliance and madness. (Read about our vision and goals.)

We hope that this site provokes you to think, supports you to heal, and inspires you to collaborate. So please — submit your writing, art, and photos; add your thoughts to our discussion forums; suggest links and resources; recommend health care providers; and don’t hesitate to join in with this project. If these efforts are helpful to you, remember that we are non-profit and entirely donation driven; your financial contributions keep us going. And for latest news and info, check out the Icarus organizational blog.

We also hope the site helps you to connect. There is a growing network of radical mental health groups across the US and beyond who are exploring extreme states of consciousness outside the conventional maps of disease and disorder. And if a group doesn't yet exist in your area, we're here to help you get it started.

This is the third, latest version of our website, lovingly migrated to the Drupal open source platform by Icarus staff and a team of devoted web design volunteers. If you need help getting around, take a look at our How To Guide. We’re still getting the bugs out, adding features, and tightening up the site organization -- and we need your help. Please feel free to ask questions, send us suggestions, and alert us to any site problems. Email us admin(at)theicarusproject (dot)net and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.