So its finally happened. The country is now openly admitting that anyone who does not fit into that psychometric area under the bell curve is considered the enemy. Bush has declared yet another war during his eight years in office, the war on the mentally ill. Let us look at this historically, shall we kiddies? During the early part of the 20th century there was a movement called the Mental Hygeine Movement where essentially, everyone was hospitalized and people with serious psychic suffering were kept in the same way that prisoners were kept, sometimes in the same facility. Lets jump ahead a few decades and discuss a little something called eugenics, in which anyone who was considered defective was either killed or sterilized. This movement started in America and was Hitler's inspiration for the FINAL SOLUTION. Past experience tells us that any violation of the rights of the mentally ill, no matter how minor, never bodes well for the future. This farce must stop before it gets started or we may be at the edge of a very deep abyss. So write letters to your senators, deluge your state representatives and any psychological association you can find with your beliefs about human rights and positive changes that can be introduced to the mental health system that promotes wellbeing, prevents violence and preserves human dignity. They say one in three people has been or will someday be diagnosed with a mental illness. We have numbers, we just need a voice.