There's No Hole in my Head

"Everyone thinks my head's full of nothing, wants to put his special stuff in. Fill the space with candy wrappers. Keep out sex and revolution. But there's no hole in my head. Too bad." -Melvina Reynolds There's no Hole in my Head


This is my people hunting hat. I hunt people in this hat.

"When a body catch a body, coming through the rye."

R.I.P. J.D. Salinger

Everybody knows this is nowhere

"...and we will build a new world from the ashes of the old."

Pardon My Mirth

Jerry Falwell is finally dead!

Craven New World

So its finally happened. The country is now openly admitting that anyone who does not fit into that psychometric area under the bell curve is considered the enemy.

My teeth are made of gelignite and my head is one big fuse.

Don't go thinking that I'm crazy just because I am.

He said he wanted a viking's funeral.

Just some visions that have been chasing me around my head.
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