This story came on july 21, after the sentence: Goal: be in the hammock.

A ruffle blew in the wind. It didn't even think of being blown by the wind, it just was. Then a bird came along and said 'Why do you let the wind push you around like that?" "What? The wind is nice, it make me ripple and shift- it feels pretty." said the ruffle, softly. "But don't you think it's a little passive to be only doing what the wind causes? Or perhaps it's selfish, not pushing back, leting her do all the work?" "My my!" said the ruffle, "I wouldn't want to take advantage of Wind after all she's done for me these long seasons!" "All she's done for you- pah!" snorted the bird. "Pushed you this way and that with no thought for how you want to go is all." And the bird flew on.

Frankly, the ruffle was ruffled. She'd enjoyed the wind blowing all this time- surely just because she wasn't in control of it didn't means that it was bad? But the bird seemed convinced- if you didn't cause it, you don't deserve it. Or, if you aren't in charge, you're being lazy. So the ruffle tried pushing back against the wind, who just went around her, not minding in the least that the little ruffle wasn't going along wth her ideas. "Why don't you care that I'm not doing what you want?" asked the frustrated little ruffle. The wind, confused, said, "I'm not trying to make you do what I want, I'm just doing what I want and you happen to be around it. You can join or not, what you do is for you."

The ruffle was sure Bird would think this a manipulative trick. Then the ruffle realized she was now gauging everything she did against what Bird said- that didn't feel free, either. In fact, it was pushier than Wind had ever been! So instead of doing what she should, the ruffle went back to doing what she wanted- which included enjoying Wind doing what she wanted, as friends do.