I have, after long debate, decided to go med-free.  I am scared and excited to see what my consciousness is like without the aid of heavy pharms.  I have already begun the journey months ago when Lithium gave me horrendous, scarring acne.  I began to taper down vehemently stating that ALL the drugs had to go.  I weaned myself off of Lamictal.  Then the psychosis crept in or rather clawed its way into my perceptions and up up up went the Abilify to 30mg.  This is when I developed TD. Shit.  Now I twitch in my face and it is intolerable.  My doc says he is 98% sure it is temporary.  So now I am reducing Abilify.  I currently take 10mg.  I am going to 5 mg asap.  I also take Levothyroxin becuse Lithium also destroyed my Thyroid, and I take 200 Wellbutrin.  I expect to be med free (except maybe the thyroid pill) in a month!!!

Everyday, even medicated, I am reminded of my illness.  I am sick all the time; it is decidedly hard to be me.  But my year or two with meds have not necessarily made much difference and the side effects are horrible.  I could be disfigured by this TD if I am in the 2%.  It is so hard to know if meds help because you can never life a stretch of life over again and compare.

I am going to do a detox with a naturopath to help heal my liver.  I am going to see a homeopath about my raging mood and psychotic symptoms.  I am going to do a neurotransmitter test to see if I can supplement with amino acids.  I am going to take my meditation and yoga more seriously.

This is my game-plan and I pray to God it works, because if it doesn't my life will be lived simply for others, I will find little comfort in it.