Exciting News from an Icarista in England

How am I doing? it is thrilling to be here, to feel plugged into all this adical community energy, to see how The Icarus Project is going to spread like wildfire through the U.K., to be sane and sober and excited, physically well, making connections, alive and a part of.

Dispatch from Ashley in England

'm sitting on the fourth floor of a gorgeous squat in London while my British host/newest-best-friend Max responds to e-mail and Sarah lays in bed reading. It's been a long good day

thanks, feeling, not-feeling, art, no art, inspiring artist, rad resources

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It's been so nice to see everyone's responses to the last blog post and forum post I put up, the one about gender and sex. It's funny -- I'm realizing now that part of why my art and my writing dried up for a while is because some part of me was trying very hard not to feel, and if I was not feeling, then there could be no honest bubbling up in the way that spills into art and words. And so there wasn't.

Wrong: Gender, Sex, Life

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A lot has been erupting out of me lately about gender and sex and control and fear. I got an e-mail today that triggered all kinds of old heartache and sinking stones in the stomach, and ended up writing a bunch of things down... this is an excerpt:

Toddler Pirouettes and Wings on my Chest

musings on performance, childhood, abuse, and re-learning how to dance

Integration, parts 1 and 4

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Today I am excited. About having begun this blog and having begun the first painting, in quite a while, that feels like it comes from the magic place inside me...

There is Nothing Wrong With You

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And here is something very helpful I read in one of the most helpful books ever...
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