My Life These Days - Aug 26/06

I will live. This I've decided. I'll fill in all these empty spaces with hollow outlines that give something for the eye to focus on. I will smile, laugh and hopefully cry again one day. I will continue to walk along paths I care nothing about. And maybe, if I'm lucky, experience joy again. If this should just so happen, I will enjoy it for its existence. For now, I will simply continue.


letter of invitation - safe network/support team

The Mental Health System1 uses its authority of violence to take away my freedom in the name of care.  Doctors spread the idea that time spent in nonordinary states of consciousness causes brain damage.  I reject this.  I was involuntarily hospitalized under the Mental Health Act, and forced to take medications, else be held down and injected with them.

Due to the risk of being certi?ed, which I consider unnecessary, unethical and undesirable, communication with care professionals and family members will be restricted to that which prioritizes my freedom from certi?cation.

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