OMEGA -3's act as a natural mood stabilizer when taking at least 3-4000 mg of both DHA AND EPA--Â without the nsaty side affects and blah feelings of a numb sense of self----but this is not the cure alone-- i am an extremeley sesitive girl with intuitive tendancies--manic and magic are intertwined---however, the importance of a proper diet and exerise along with 8 hours of sleep every night is crucial to my mood without taking Depakot (my latest attempt at a mood stabilizer)--my problem is that i become way too depressed and or unmotivated and negative about my situation-plus i do not have any physical awareness- so yoga is another blessing that God has shown me I can utilize in lessening irritability-- so my fellow amigas/os, we must help eachother finds tools in nature thus we can achieve a harmonious balnce with ourselves and our environment---