If you are the manager (the one who set the group up) or an administrator of the group, you have a few extra privileges.

  1. Adding members: click 'x members' in the right sidebar. You will see the avatars of every user in your group. Click the 'Add members' tab. Enter a comma-separated list of user names and hit submit (just commas, not commas and spaces!).
  2. Editing the group: you may edit any of the settings you initially set for the group by clicking the "Edit" tab on your group homepage.
  3. Edit content in the group: group administrators can edit all content posted in the group.
  4. Receiving group emails: group administrators will recieve the emails from their group contact page. There is a captcha on the form to protect you from spam, however if you're still getting lots of spam let us know and we'll try to make the capcha more complex.
  5. Sending group emails: you can send an email to your group by going to the group homepage and clicking the "Broadcast" tab. Use your judgement with this. Remind group members to edit their group membership settings to not receive emails if they don't want them. Emails are distributed once every hour.
  6. Creating/removing new group admins: group admins can promote other group members to admin status, or take admin status away. Just go to the group members page (again, click 'x members' in the right sidebar) and click the 'List' tab. For each user there should be a link to promote or demote them. For the sake of your group, don't ever make people you don't know or trust administrators.
  7. Removing members: you can also remove group members from the same 'List' page.

Group managers have one permission that group administrators do not:

Deleting the group: you can delete your group by clicking the "Edit" tab mentioned above, scrolling down, and selecting "Delete". You will then be faced with a choice - you can delete everything anyone's ever associated with your group, you can leave it all be, or if you belong to another group you can move it all there. Unless you just have a buncha random junk associated with your group, we'd prefer you don't delete it all.

If you created a group but at some point want someone else to be the manager, a site administrator can transfer ownership. Contact admin at the icarus project dot net.