To create a group, go to

To edit your group information or settings go to your group homepage and click the edit tab. You can also delete your group here.

To manage users click on the 'x members' link in the right sidebar of your group. Use the 'List' tab to promote/demote users to/from administrator status or remove them from the group entirely. See the 'Administering your group' section of this handbook for more information.

To send out an email to everyone in your group, go to your group homepage and click the "Broadcast" tab. Use this feature sparingly.

To post group content go to whatever page the content will appear on (homepage, gallery, wiki, calendar, tasks or group contacts) and there should be a link to add a new one. See the 'Posting group content' section of this handbook for more information on specific content types.

If you're going to use the group tasks or group contacts features be very careful about who you add to your group. If you want to have a group that's very open to everybody who wants to join AND need these tools consider making two groups -- one that's public and one that's private.

If you're posting a group blog entry or a special event it's suggested that you preview them first, they will be sent out as an email to everyone in your group. If you want to post a special event without sending the email, post it into no groups, then edit it and put it in your group.

You will recieve emails about new blog entries and events by default. You can set what you want to receive (if anything) by going to your profile and clicking the 'Notifications' tab.

Everything else you should be able to figure out. If not, look through the rest of this detailed handbook or email admin at the icarus project dot net.