By default when you become a member of a group you will be subscribed to email notifications from that group. They will notify when a new blog entry or event is posted in that group. You can adjust your notification settings by going to your profile and clicking the "Notifications" tab.

You may choose to subscribe to only blog entries or only special events, you may choose to get regular digests if you're getting lots of emails, and you may choose whether or not you want HTML (format is preserved) emails or plain text ones (formatting is stripped and replaced with text, like italic becomes /italic/, bold becomes *bold*, etc). It defaults to HTML, but if your mail client can't read them, plain text works just fine.

DO NOT MARK THESE EMAILS AS SPAM! There's a links to unsubscribe from them on your profile, on all group blog entries or special events, in the sidebar of every page in the group, and on the bottom of the email itself.