There are 7 content types that may be posted into groups. The following table is a good reference if you're unsure of the level of privacy of a particular type.

Name Sends email Only visible to members Editable by other members
Group blog entries Yes Optional No
Wiki (or "book") entries No Optional Yes
Special events Yes* Optional No
Regular events No Optional No
Images No Optional No
Group contacts No Yes Yes
Tasks, or "To-do's" No Yes Yes

*There is a trick to get around sending out emails for special events - if you post a special event to no groups, then edit it and add it to the group you want it in, it won't send out the email.

There's more specific detail about each of content types on the pages below, but in general:

  • Any content type may be posted in multiple groups.
  • The title field is always required.
  • No content type must be public.
  • Once you've created a piece of content, when you view it you get, at the very least, a tab to edit it. From the edit page you can delete it.
  • The technical term for a piece of content in our system is a 'node'. For this reason, the url to add any content is always /node/add/<content-type>