Your group gets its own event calendar that functions just like the main site calendar but only shows events in your group.

There are two types of events you may add, both of which are linked to at the top of your calendar:

  1. Regular events: recurring events like a weekly group meeting or monthly conference call
  2. Special events: events that don't have a regular repeat pattern like a party or a fundraiser

Both events have a required 'Start' field and an optional 'End' field. If you were going to add an event that spans multiple days but doesn't occur after that you should add a special event and just set the start and end dates accordingly - don't use 'regular event'.

Special events will send out an email to subscribers of your group. What you put in the teaser field will make up the body of the email, if you leave this field blank it'll select the first few lines of what you wrote. If you don't want to bother people with an email, a work around is to click the 'Groups' section, unselect all groups, and post it. Then click the "Edit" tab and choose whatever groups you want the event to be posted in. Emails are only sent when adding content, not when editing it. Do not post a regular event just to avoid sending an email about it.

Regular events will not send out emails to the group. Regular events have an extra aspect of the form called "Repeats". Here you can specify the pattern of your event, it can handle pretty advanced patterns, like 'Every wednesday', 'Every other wedneday', 'The first wednesday of every other month', 'The 5th day of every month', etc. If you have exceptions to your rule, like there's no meeting on christmas or something, there's a field for that. If you have multiple exceptions, you have to fill out one at a time - hit submit, then go to the event, click the 'Edit' tab, and now there's another field to enter another exception, etc. Finally, you have to specify an "Until" date for regular events, even if your meeting really repeats indefinitely. I'd suggest a year from your start date if you're unsure.

The "Groups" section of this form is the same as all the other group content types. You can post in as many groups as you're a member of, and you can have private events that are only visible to group members. If your event is public it will appear on the main site calendar to non-members of your group.

Please choose your event type wisely and update your calendar often.