Who dictates what is moral?
Submitted by xxhoneyjoyxx on Wed, 10/08/2008 - 11:06pmThe battle was still raging on. Im 16, taking up BSE (Bachelor Of Secondary Education) as a course in college and hopefully, in the future I would be a TEACHER. Yea, a teacher who will taught the world bout its her/history and its shit and the hell that its been dealing with. I feel so guilty everytime I think bout being a teacher someday because Im taking the English language as my major. Feel guilty, eh? Because Im a Filipino, Im not yet through with my language but here I am studying a foreign language.
Well drop that part because its no longer the subject.
Im here to tell you about the shit Im dealing with as a BSE student and as individual myself who was labeled as a freak, insane and queer humyn being.
I hate moral, Im telling you. I hate it from the smallest veins of my flesh, from the single drop of my blood, from the core of my being, from the state of my spirit.
Im a kind o person who do things that conflict with what they so called moral.
(note:Ill continue this later because I can no longer think. There is something corrupting my brain.)
morality is not something made by society...it is something we learned as kids,
morality is NOT judgement on a person...it is judgement upon actions and consequences
morality is being able to decipher what is good from what is bad.
hurting someone is bad.
hating someone is bad.
loving someone is good.
etc. etc.
if it wasn't for morality,.. there wouldnt be any good people in this world. because no one would have morales...
ahem,, my response
I have no plans of arguing with all of you. Im from Philippines and its the kind of society that we have. Im not telling anybody that morality doesnt have its borders when its come into hurting people. What I wanted to write here is that "Is the society's standards about morality applicable to the lives of people who has living with it and who has been neglecting it?"
You had the right definition of morality. I believe that moral is inflicted in our roots. What I wanted to tell all of you is that doing something against the standard of the society do conflict with our morals? Or its juat another piece of bullshit that threatened their powers?
Of course loving someone is good and I always want to feel it.
Is this what you are saying to me?
Do you object to people passing judgement on you or do you think that we should all just do whatever we want even if it hurts someone else? Because I really really dislike having people pass judgment on me.
I grew up in New Orleans. There were a lot of gay people there. In the church where I grew up, we never ever put people down for being gay.
So, I moved to Arkansas, in the buckle of the bible belt, and have not been able to find one single church in this town of 10,000 that does not gay-bash. Not only that, they pass judgment on people based on how they dress and how much money they have and the kinds of kitchen pots they cook in. I don't really know for sure, since I am incapable of understanding the mind of God, but I don't think Jesus would support this sort of thing. But churches here are like that. They are social clubs for the rich. They shun the poor and they think that gays are going straight to hell. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.
So, something that I cannot know for sure is how is it in other places in the country? Is this a national trend? Have these religious freaks that claim rather arrogantly to understand the mind of God, taken over all of the churches in America? Has Jesus been replaced in Christianity? Are other people in other cities being judged unfit to belong to the body of Christ, based on....well, some evil misinterpretation of the Bible? I have been shunned by the church here based on my husband's nationality (he is Native American) and my mental illness. We are poverty stricken, too, because here in this town, you can't get a job unless you are white and hate gays and spout off a bunch of mumbo jumbo about the mind of God, like Sarah Palin does. Oh, and you better damn well believe that God himself has spoken to President Bush. Is it like that all over America? That is really really frightening if it is more than just this hideous little town in Northern Arkansas that is like that.
Here's a quote from the Man, Jesus. "Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch." Matt 15:14. So don't let the people who despise in the name of Jesus bother you. God will deal with them in his own time. As far as I know, Jesus wanted us to behave and guard our own words and actions, not pass judgment and guard the words and actions of others. We are the guardians of our own hands and feet and minds and mouths. We can pass on the words of Jesus to other people but it is that person's choice to hear them or not. And that person's decisions are between him and God, not him and another church member who thinks that they are better than that person. No one can know the mind of another person.
In my life during the past ten years here in this town, I have been pretty much destroyed by the religious here. I lost one job because I told someone I worked with that I went to an all black nursing school in New Orleans. I was fired the next day. I graduated with an overall average of 98 percent on my National League of Nursing Exams, with the guidance given to me at that school, but that didn't matter to the racist religious freaks at that nursing home. What they saw was a white woman who didn't hate black people like she should.
God will be dealing with all of these people, though, no doubt. It is my job not to be bitter and angry with them. It is my job to think that they may change their ways. It is my job to witness to the love of Jesus that is available to all people, no matter what. All I can do is use God's instruction manual to teach myself how to proceed in my life and suggest the same to others. It is not my job to kill people who refuse to see the message of love. That is perverse. This whole God told George Bush to go kill Muslims thing is a perversion. This whole hate people in the name of Jesus is a perversion.
Personally I find it hard to believe that the Marine who threw the puppy off the cliff is going to heaven because he is part of God's Christian Army, while a gay person who spends their whole life loving other humans and treating people with respect is going to hell. My brother in law is gay and I have to say he is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. And he doesn't pass judgment on people. He is patient, intelligent. loving, kind and generous. So, no, the religious freaks who think he is going to burn in hell while they go to heaven as they step over starving street people, well they are pretty much wrong.
So, I don't know if this is what you were talking about, but I had a few minutes to myself and thought I would rant for a while.
"The Christian Way"
I step out on hope, but sometimes I fear quicksand...
I've struggled so much with these issues. Yes, in other parts of the country besides the Bible Belt there are lots of Christian who are living their lives in fear, and who are afraid to love at all. They are paralyzed by fear, and rules, and hatred, and insecurity. The more they push people out, the more they bolster themselves up. We all are capable of this, but this is the opposite of what Jesus did. He was a freak because he didn't care about the social orientation, or the wealth, or, in my opinion, the sexual orientation of people,
Jesus met people right where they were. Sick, drunk, impoverished, desperate, outcast, THESE are the people Jesus called His own. Yet the American Culture Christianity on the whole seems to not really get this, no matter how much they read scripture. And I have experienced getting sucked into churches that want to preach about the importance of saving yourself for marriage first and formost, and how stem cell research is evil.
I do believe that Jesus wants to heal us from the inside out of our sins, but that is an individual battle and journey. In the mean time if we could worry more about ourselves and our own person lives and focus more on love and compassion, I think that those are the good morals. Good luck with finding a church. I know that at some point you will find a groupd of people you can worship with in a more mature manner. In the mean time I sympathize with you. Remember that you and your husband are on an amazing journey, and you have probably helped and influenced more people along your path than you realize.