Everyday people with mental problems face struggles. The struggle sometimes can never subside until death reaches out to make its forever lasting mark. Happy could seem as if it is a long road away or be swept the same second it comes.

 As optimistic as it sounds: what you hear the voice(s) say can never reach another person's soul, unless he/she is the same as you.  At times it seems as if only in the heat of the moment can your words reach great heights. Once the numbness of each minute you face life comes back, your words simply go flat.

What you see is not suppose to harm you, but does anyway. The images that flash through your head are psychotic, insane, etc. You see homicide and suicide take place in thoughts you can't control. Suicide knocks at your door, as you plan and picture your own death. Your mind nags at you to understand that harm to other's is wrong. The emotional response to this pains you and leaves you dumbfounded.

Still you take one step at a time each and everyday. Life continues to take its course as you continue to resist the urge to down all your medication at once or refuse to take them at all. Not taking them is hardly a fair option. You take medication to better yourself.  Sadly, the truth is: as each day past you wish that things get better.