Submitted by thesilence101 on Sun, 08/02/2009 - 2:01amSomehow I must a way to begin this letter to you. Somehow these realities are true and current.
I just broke downover stocks. The Television stops it's programming and Nancy Grace speaks over a frozen picture. I try my best to aquire all of these old clips from the television onto my digital camera.
The Anecdotal Evidence Of the Times.
I don't want to learn how to be greedy. I ask God for forgiveness of my greed in the past when i pray. Please help me understand how I can become a better person. Please Help me understand how I will come unto my Marriage within a capitilist policy of which I am not accepted.
Do not fault your brother as you fault yourself. Understanding is the continuation of a battle worse than property rights or sex rights.
Never do I speak of these things publically. Never do I expose too much to those of whom will not understand.
The depth of this issue is only a mentality as it would only pertain to a politcally charged notion that gay / homosexual rights are only available through such means of State.
Taxes spent in excess can only tax us into oblivion. Yes Sir, May I have? Yes Sir, I will. Yes , Sir, I will.
I pray for forgiveness of my greed and trespasses onto my life these laws have burrowed unto myself.
There are no words for why and how these things have happend. There is no excuse for how it feels to be behind nutritionally, financially, and spirtually. I can not define the loss of experience I have personally experienced due to others views, opinion, and law making.
And All My Community Will Give Is The Option To Fight.
What have I paid for? And the heterosexual communities still believe their jokes, quandries, and biased hateful resentments towards me are acceptable.
I write to begin this healing. I write so only I will begin to understand this train of thought that bubbles through my eyes as frozen pictures of homes sky-rocketing prices and nicraugan abortion bans begin to flash freeze on the brand new Digital Television Broadcast.
Bubble and cry as stock quotes are pronounced to an extent of dispair in an obviously broken system through which I do not know up from down middle or sides.
This world accepts only dirt. This world accepts only graves as reality.
How can you truly ban my marriage in this country ? Freeze my assets as my Own. Make Me Lie On Forms.
How do I get to celebrate life with my partner if all information changes from hospital (married) to school (single) to social security (single) ?
Home Of The. Home Of The.
Why Do I have to Liein a coiuntry whose constitution Respects All of my God Given Freedoms ?
I will Not Admit Myself this year. I will not be the Gay Man behind those walls. I will Not. I will Not.
These Taxes are only unpaid because this systematic voting in two thousand and four.
America, You Ripped Us Off.
Home of the. Home Of the. I Pray one day for the house. For the down-payment. For the reality those who already have will one day share.
I do not want the extra money. I want to pay as any "couple" would.
Some days are great. ya know? Living on payments from the system of Social Security. Does my complaining stop? No. Should it? No.
All in all. I have dinner or lunch with my partner two times a month. I never go to concerts and every buy is rationally considered.
It is hard to contemplate how much money is lost within my "single" status as a homosexual male.
Please, I only want the system to Work.
Caffeine causes Mental Illness
My brother was diagnosed as skitzio-effective which is a combination of bi-polar, and skitzophrenia. I believe that the cause of his mental disorder is his caffeine consumption. He has had two breakdowns and before each he drank a large amount of caffeine each day and was not sleeping well or at all at night. I looked up info on it, and compiled pieces that fit his case the most. I'm going to provide this info to you folks as well, because I think it could help many people get off psych meds and remain off psych meds for good. I believe that any drugs, or stimulants can contribute or cause mental disorder, but I think that caffeine is the most overlooked and covered up by our government and society. I think that many cases of depression, insomnia, bi-polar disorder, skitzophrenia, and anxiety disorder are due primarily to caffeine consumption, and that this is masked in order for money to be made off of psych meds.
So here you are, and if you would like to read the information in it's entirety the links are below my compilation. If you don't want to read the info in it's entirety then I would suggest at least watching the youtube video after reading my compilation.
Caffeine expert: Caffeine produces anxiety, psychotic states, toxic dementia
“An allergic reaction to caffeine manifests as anaphylaxis. During a state of caffeine anaphylaxis, the body enters the fight or flight mode, which may be mistaken as hyperactivity, anxiety, or panic disorder. Caffeine anaphylaxis causes cerebral vasculitis, leads to the breakdown of the blood brain barrier, and generates toxic dementia.”
“Symptoms range from minimal reactions to severe psychotic states, which may include irrational behavior, disruptions in attention, lack of focus and comprehension, mood changes, lack of organizational skills, abrupt shifting of activities, delusions, hallucinations, and paranoia.”
“An allergic reaction to caffeine results in poisoning of the prefrontal cortex. Damage to the underside area on the prefrontal cortex, above the eye sockets, generally renders a person absent minded and interferes with the ability to monitor personal activities (Carter, 1998). Injury results in loss of verbal and social inhibition….”
“While others may notice menacing changes in behavior or personality changes, the victim may not.”
Caffeine toxicity may be mistaken for bipolar disorder (1,12). Symptoms include: chattiness, repetitive thought and action (resembling obsessive compulsive disorder, OCD), restlessness, psychomotor agitation, alternating moods, anger, impulsiveness, aggression, omnipotence, delirium, buying sprees, lack of sexual inhibition, and loss of values.
Caffeine poisoning may also resemble schizophrenia. One woman's conversational topics wandered from subject to subject. She screamed, and believed that she was in prison. Natural judgement was impaired (1). In 1931, a truck driver brought to the hospital in a confused and irritable condition, complained of being attacked by flies. Flies were never present. Examination revealed that he'd consumed large amounts of cola (15). One gentleman ended his political speech with predictions and threats, out of the ordinary for his personality, stunning the audience (14). Another case describes a man, who imagined himself very wealthy, and assumed that his mental state was normal (14).
Journal of Affective Disorders: Woman’s bipolar disorder vanishes as caffeine intake is discontinued
“A longitudinal case report shows a sudden remission of the severe course of a seasonal bipolar disorder after 10 years of psychopharmacological treatments. The discontinuation of heavy caffeine intake appears to have contributed to the outcome.”
The New England Journal of Medicine: Patient’s mania a result of caffeine intake
Psychiatrists’ initial verdict on one caffeine-poisoned patient, in a case cited by Dr. Edward M. Brecher in the landmark “Consumers Union Report on Licit and Illicit Drugs”:
“Hysteria without question. When she failed to improve and remained wildly manic for several days, she was transferred to a psychiatric hospital, where she was at first kept tied to a bed. After almost two months in the hospital, during which she slowly recovered, a mild relapse occurred. Investigation showed that she was drinking coffee, four cups a day. At this point, suspicion for the first time turned to caffeine. Coffee and tea were removed from her vicinity and soon she again became entirely normal, and was dismissed from the hospital.”
It's highly probable, that millions of consumers developed an allergy to caffeine, especially since availability and production increased rapidly mid- twentieth century. In which case, natural insights, and physical and mental health, have been sacrificed to chronic toxicity, resulting in organic brain, silently posing as ADD, ADHD, anxiety, BPD, depression, OCD, panic, and schizophrenia. Physical ailments resemble amphetamine poisoning, and include drug eruptions, masquerading as "rosacea."
Mentioned in a 1936 article by Drs. McManamy and Schube, a young woman, allergic to caffeine, presented with alternating states of delirium and mania, resembling schizophrenia (1). After the recorded case, allergy documentation becomes rare. And not surprisingly.
Brain levels increase proportionately with dosage (5). In allergic persons, each cup of coffee, cola, tea, every piece of chocolate, and any ingested caffeine products, intensifies toxic psychosis. Half-life increases. Subsequent doses, including minute amounts, act as a bolus. Cells are poisoned, including neurons.
Symptoms of cerebral allergy can range from minimal reactions, such as lack of comprehension and inability to focus, to severe psychotic states, such as delusions, paranoia, and hallucinations (6). It's known that amphetamine psychosis can't be distinguished from schizophrenia (7,8). With a caffeine allergic person's inability to eliminate, continually ingesting caffeine, neurotransmitter levels, including dopamine and adrenaline, quickly increase. Cells rapidly absorb the drug.
Evidence suggests that caffeine, and synthetic neurotransmitter altering medications, merely balance one another, and that upon cessation of caffeine, medication is no longer needed. Several reports indicate that upon caffeine cessation, tremors increased in lithium consuming individuals (43). In some patients, caffeine withdrawal increased lithium levels (44). After experiencing a 10-year course of seasonal BPD, a woman eliminated caffeine from her diet. She no longer needed BPD medication (45).
Caffeine may compete for benzodiazepine receptors (5). In which case, benzodiazepines reduce caffeine's effects and vice versa; balancing each other.
Proportionate to toxicity, physical withdrawal may take up to 12 months, or longer. Recovery symptoms include memory loss, confusion, tremors, agitated states, insomnia or somnolence, and nightmares associated with amphetamine withdrawal. Following physical recovery, residual mental symptoms, primarily confusion and mood alterations, may exist for several months.
What is interesting about coffee allergies is that it can also mimic mental disorders by producing a chemical imbalance in the human body. According to Drs McManamy and Schube, caffeine allergies can produce alternating states of delirium and mania, resembling schizophrenia. They maintained that many patients have been erroneously diagnosed with some type of mental illness.
Because of coffees stimulating effects the allergic symptoms are masked. Coffee consumption increases the adrenaline (epinephrine) found in the body. Epinephrine is used to halt allergic reaction and with the combined stimulate effect can product delusions. Some of the byproducts created by the breakdown of adrenaline by the human body can produce the same symptoms of schizophrenia.
A high level of creatine phosphokinase (CPK MM) has been associated with caffeine toxicity. Many studies carried out in the late twentieth century revealed that a high level of CPK MM was found in patients diagnosed with mental disorders, mania, BPD, depression, catatonia and schizophrenia. Many of the studies attributed the elevated CPK MM levels with mental disorders but none of the studies focused on caffeine allergy as a contributing factor.
Most of the recent studies have overlooked caffeine allergy as having any factor in any mental disorders. Bengzon proposed, in the late 1960's that high levels of CPK MM and aldolase might be a contributing factor in explaining schizophrenia. Patients were not put on restrictive diets and the study concentrated on medication and various other factors but failed to include caffeine as a possible factor.
Chronic toxicity may affect functional aspects of every organ (14). Allergic persons may become sensitive to bright light, and resort to sunglasses. It's not uncommon to find dilated but reactive pupils on examination (14). Toxic persons usually present with a whitish, or grayish coated tongue (14, 46). Other findings imply that caffeine inhibits anaphylaxis, by suppressing histamine release (47,48). Due to caffeine's antihistamine properties, a skin test for caffeine allergy may be negative.
Caffeine toxicity may also masquerade as depression, and anxiety. In 1925, Powers described nervousness, visual problems, and dizziness, in patients he discovered suffered from caffeine toxicity (16). In 1974, caffeine toxic patients, experiencing the same symptoms, were erroneously admitted to a psychiatric hospital, for treatment of anxiety (16,17). In other studies, depression and anxiety are also correlated with caffeine intake (18,19,20,21).
In several reports, patients diagnosed with anxiety disorder experienced panic attacks with ingestion of caffeine (18,19,20). One study reveals that six persons improved with caffeine cessation and remained improved for at least six months (21). Other reports reveal that some persons not afflicted with panic disorder, experienced panic attacks with intravenously administered caffeine (22, 23).
In the late 1960's, Bengzon et al proposed that the leakage of CPK and aldolase might explain schizophrenia (26). Studies on patients with non-restrictive diets, concentrated on various factors, including medication, but failed to include caffeine as a possible factor (26). More recent studies have also overlooked caffeine allergy as a factor in any mental disorders, including schizophrenia.
A study theorized caffeine as a possible, psychosis inducing agent. Researchers eliminated patients' caffeine for a short duration. It was decided that caffeine aggravates symptoms of thought disorder and psychosis (42). Caffeine was reintroduced-never allowing for sufficient withdrawal times-and significant improvements.
Several laboratory tests may be used as markers for allergic toxicity. A detectable Theophylline level in a patient not receiving Theophylline therapy, and an elevated CPK level are indicative of caffeine toxicity. Along with these, an increased glucose level (10,49) and an elevated white blood count (1,49) may also be significant of toxicity, as many patients assumed afflicted with mental disorders present with elevation of these (1,50). An elevated sedimentation rate, indicative of inflammatory processes, might signify rhabdomyolysis.
Back in 1936, McManamy and Schube maintained that in all probability, many people of that era might have already been erroneously diagnosed with some form of mental illness. The doctors further predicted, that in the future, with lack of time, and proper medical insight, many doctors would not be able to diagnose simple disorders such as caffeine allergy, and would label many patients as psychotic (1).
Is being allergic to coffee responsible for a variety of mental problems? It is the option of this author that more studies are needed to determine if Allergies Of Any Type are the cause of or have a contributing factor in mental illness problems. The treating of the symptoms for mental illness instead of finding the cause of mental illness is a great disservice to our mentally ill patients by our medical professionals.
“Too many clinical histories fail to record caffeine use.”
“Diagnosis of any caffeine-related disorder begins with clinical awareness. Beverage caffeine is such a common component of social activity that its consideration as a psychostimulant often is neglected.”
“Too many clinical histories fail to record caffeine use. A complete caffeine history includes doses associated with beverages and medications….The observable signs associated with caffeine consumption are dose dependent. For most individuals who consume caffeine in the average range, the physical stigmata will include arousal signs. Expect to see nervousness, elevated heart rate, increased respiratory rate, flushed face, and an exaggerated startle response. Caffeine is a mild diuretic and may contribute to vague gastrointestinal complaints. In rare cases where an individual’s dose exceeds 1 gram per day, the picture changes. Gross muscle tremors, highly disorganized speech, and possible arrhythmias herald a more sinister outcome.” [CaffeineWeb note: One gram has long been considered the toxic dose of caffeine, but it may not be as rare as supposed. A recent study published in the Journal of Analytical Toxicology found that two 16 oz. Starbucks coffees may contain in excess of one gram.]
R. Gregory Lande, DO, FACN, Deputy and Director of Professional Services, Department of Clinical Administration, William S. Hall Psychiatric Institute, University of South CarolinaToxicity is known to cause excitement, agitation, restlessness, shifting states of consciousness, and toxic psychosis (10), mimicking amphetamine psychosis. Allergic individuals may be erroneously diagnosed, medicated, and lost in a dark disturbed world, until death.
Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry: Caffeine-induced psychosis may be mistaken for true psychosis
“Recently published studies and reports of personal observations have shown without doubt that caffeine abuse (caffeinism) may result in a syndrome which resembles and may be confused or confounded with true psychotic states. This may lead to misdiagnosis and mistreatment. A question arises from the varied reports of caffeine consumption in psychiatric populations: Does caffeine stimulate psychosis or does psychosis stimulate caffeine consumption?”
Sanford Bolton, PhD and Gary Null, M.S., Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry Linkhttp://www.mainlinehealth.org/oth/Page.asp?PageID=OTH000456
Here are a few of the nutrients that affect mood:
Carbohydrates (starch, fruit, milk and desserts) have a major effect on endorphins (our body's own "feel good" chemical) in the brain.
Caffeine (found in coffee, tea, cola beverages and chocolate) also affects the brain by keeping it awake. Caffeine has a half-life of 3 1/2 hours so the "stay awake" effect lasts 7 hours.
Alcohol (spirits, liquor, wine, beer, liqueur) is a depressant.
Tryptophan (turkey and other poultry foods), an amino acid, induces sleep.
Journal of the American Medical Association: Caffeine induces “psychological problems”
“The existence of a caffeine dependence syndrome, which includes evidence of continued caffeine consumption depite medical or psychological problems from caffeine consumption and unsuccessful efforts to quit caffeine use, provides a further similarity between caffeine and classic drugs of dependence.”
Broderick P, Benjamin AB, Caffeine and psychiatric symptoms: A Review; J Okla State Medical Assoc, 2004 Dec; 97(12):538-42
Ruth Whalen, MLT
Material Safety Data Sheet on caffeine exposure: Hallucinations, nervousness, psychosis
While the FDA labels caffeine as GRAS (”Generally Regarded As Safe”), chemical manufacturers are required by law to label caffeine “potentially fatal if inhaled, swallowed or absorbed through the skin” when handling and transporting it. Following is an excerpt from one Material Data Safety Sheet, courtesy of the University of California:
ACUTE EXPOSURE- Ingestion of large amounts may result in headache, lightheadedness, dizziness, chills, fever, excitement, restlessness, nervousness, insomnia, mild delirium, hallucinations, tinnitus, constricted pupils, decreased visual fields, amblyopia,diplopia, photophobia, and scintillating scotoma. Neurologic symptoms may persist for several days….Other effects may include alternating states of consciousness and muscle twitching, tremors, hyperesthesia, hypertonicity or hypotonicity, trismus, opisthotonus and convulsions. Seizures generally precede death.
CHRONIC EXPOSURE- In addition to the effects detailed in acute exposure, agitation, disturbed sleep, caffeine-induced psychosis, heartburn and hyperventilation may occur. Prolonged use of high doses may result in tolerence, physical and psychological dependence. Symptoms of withdrawal may occur following abrupt cessation.
Eminent pharmacologist: Caffeine causes depression
“There is no doubt that the excitation of the central nervous system produced by large amounts of caffeine is followed by depression.”
J. Murdoch Ritchie, Professor Emeritus, Department of Pharmacology, Yale University School of Medicine, in The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, Goodman and Gilman eds.
Biochemist finds 50% of anxiety cases caffeine-induced
“If a person were injected with 500 milligrams of caffeine [less than the dosage recently discovered in some 16-ounce Starbucks brews], within about an hour he or she would exhibit symptoms of severe mental illness, among them hallucinations, paranoia, panic, mania, and depression. But the same amount of caffeine administered over the course of a day only produces the milder forms of insanity for which we take tranquilizers and antidepressants.”
“For five years I worked in a team practice with physicians and psychotherapists. Often, the psychological evaluation would include one or more anxiety syndromes, and the recommendation was for counseling. I would point out that the person was consuming excessive amounts of caffeine and request a trial month off caffeine prior to therapy sessions. In about 50% of cases, the anxiety syndrome would resolve with caffeine withdrawal alone.”
Nutritional biochemist Stephen Cherniske, Author, Caffeine Blues: Wake Up to the Dangers of America’s #1 Drug
NASA’s Caffeine Findings
Michael W. Shannon, MD, MPH, Director, Lead and Toxicology Clinic, The Children’s Hospital; Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School; Staff Toxicologist, Massachusetts Poison Control System; Lester M. Haddad, MD, Clinical Professor in Family Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina; Emergency Physician and Active Staff, Bon Secours St. Francis Xavier Hospital; James F. Winchester, MD, Professor of Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Georgetown University Medical Center
http://www.doctoryourself.com/caffeine_allergy.htmlhttp://ezinearticles.com/?Help-I-Am-Allergic-To-Coffee-And-Crazy&id=579535http://www.mainlinehealth.org/oth/Page.asp?PageID=OTH000456look, i respect that you are
look, i respect that you are trying to be infomative here. and I do respect your opinions.
however, this certian blog posting of mine is not about caffiene. nor is it productive to use this space as an advertisement for your website or you provided links on why people should not drink caffiene.
i wrote this looking for answers on gay rights, and issues regarding marriage.
as always, keep these issues relevant to posts made to this blog, or i will have no choice but to cut and paste this information in to my personal notes.
thanks again.